I International Culture Day, journalism and public relations in Colombia and Spain
Success stories and exchange of experiences between UniNorte and URJC
The event, organized by Flávia Gomes-Franco e Silva, Rainer Rubira García and Leticia Porto Pedrosa, teachers at the Rey Juan Carlos University, in collaboration with the professor from the Universidad del Norte (Colombia), Sergio Llano Aristizábal, the past took place 29 October at the Madrid-Quintana headquarters of the URJC, bringing together teachers, researchers and students from various countries under the common thread of communication, journalism and public relations in the context of culture. Professor Llano, coordinator of the Master's Degree in Public Relations at UniNorte, was kind enough to travel with the students of the Colombian postgraduate program to Madrid, in a kind of international mission, to get to know different universities and master's training itineraries, among them the Master's Degree in Cultural Journalism and New Trends, occasion that gave rise to a fruitful meeting at the URJC.
This day, of international character and vocation, It had a program divided into two parts. First, a discussion was held, based on presentations of success stories in communication and public relations among the students of the graduate programs involved. Then, after a short break, A series of presentations began that revolved around the practical application of journalism and public relations, providing valuable content to the students who attended the event, as well as job perspectives and approaches close to the new needs of the labor market in the field of culture.
The invited presentations were another example of the international nature of this meeting, designed to bring together, a priori, visions from Colombia and Spain, with a conference by Professor Sergio Llano about Radio Cerrejón and the cultural wealth in La Guajira and, besides, journalist Raquel Almendros, with an intervention on cultural journalism on local and community radio stations. However, The program expanded its borders to other countries, further enriching the day with a contribution of Professor Leyla Tavernaro-Haidarian (FHWien der WKW, One, Austria) about persuasion and understanding and, from the Šiauliai State University of Applied Sciences (Come on, Lithuania), a presentation on cultural management and gender diversity by Professor Tatiana Buelvas Baldiris.
This initiative is carried out within the framework of the activities of the UNESCO Chair of Research in Communication at the Rey Juan Carlos University., of the COMMRADES research group and the COMMCRISIS teaching innovation group.
The deadline for submitting summaries for the book is open "Philosophy of the body: Biopolitics, culture and ideology"
We open this contribution of chapters for the book Philosophy of the body: Biopolitics, culture and ideology, to be published in 2024 by a high-end publisher inside of the Scholarly Publishers Indicators (SPI) like Thompson Reuters or Peter Lang, coordinated by professors Rainer Rubira García and Jacqueline Venet Gutiérrez, University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain and professors Meysis Carmenati González and Santiago M. Scary, from the Central University of Ecuador, Ecuador.
Abstracts receipt deadline: 29 February 2024.
Deadline for receipt of full texts: 30 June 2024.
The purpose of this volume is gather essays that address contemporary issues related to the body from a critical perspective typical of philosophical argumentation. Throughout the history of philosophy, The body has been a topic of analysis dating back to ancient Greece. Your relationship with power, The human condition and the production of life has inspired works as diverse as those of Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, René Descartes, Baruch Spinoza, the Marquis de Sade, Simone de Beauvoir, Frantz Fanon, Michel Foucault, Judith Butler's Achille Mbembe, to mention just a few.
Marcia Franz Amaral will give a conference on communication, environment and disasters
The professor from the Federal University of Santa María in Brazil will present progress of her research in the field
Professor Marcia Franz Amaral will give the conference "Communication, environment and disasters: a Brazilian vision/perception" as a guest of the UNESCO Chair of Communication Research at the Rey Juan Carlos University. The event will take place on Thursday 7 March on the Fuenlabrada campus.
Place: Seminar 044 of the Departmental 1, Campus of Fuenlabrada
Date: Thursday 7 March 12:00 a 14:00
Marcia Franz Amaral is a full professor at the Department of Communication at the Federal University of Santa María. (UFMS), Brazil, in the Degree in Journalism and in the Postgraduate in Communication (Master and Doctorate). She is a researcher of National Research Council (CNPq). Doctor in Communication and Information from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) with postdoctoral stay at Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona). She is currently a visiting professor at the Rey Juan Carlos University for the CAPES/Brazil Institutional Internationalization Program..
The event took place at the University of Córdoba and hosted representatives of 30 Spanish chairs and 1 International
The National Meeting of UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks of 2023, celebrated in Córdoba on the days 16 and 17 October, had the participation of 30 Chairs from different areas and Spanish universities. The event also had the international presence of representatives of the Cultural Diversity Chair, Gender and Borders of the Federal University of Grande Dourados, from Brazil.
During the event attended by the director and coordinator of the UNESCO Chair of Research and Communication of the URJC, professors doctors Carmen Caffarel and Rainer Rubira, The Declaration was approved, which can be read in the link at the end of this note.
The declaration, signed by the participating chairs, will be sent to the Spanish National Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO, to the CRUE Presidency and to the UNESCO headquarters in Paris.
The next National Meeting of UNESCO Chairs will be held in 2025, organized by the UNESCO Chair of Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development of the University of Las Palmas, in Gran Canaria.
Recent activities of the Chair
The Animals and Society Chair mobilizes its resources to work together to reduce the numbers, for improving the lives behind those figures.
see more Here
Within the framework of the IV CALL FOR THE PROMOTION OF INNOVATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF TEACHING 2022, Communication Sciences Faculty, and the CALL FOR AID FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF CONGRESSES, CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS 2022, Vice President for University Extension of the URJC, is celebrated on II International Colloquium ‘Cultural Mutation, Communication and Crisis ’.
see more Here
Research in Latin America suggests that attacks on press workers via Twitter are fueled by hostility towards journalists, especially, towards women journalists who are considered to express opinions in a polarized society.
As the COVID-19 pandemic has clearly demonstrated, access to information has the potential to save lives. This health crisis highlighted how media and information literacy can cope with sudden increases in misinformation.. Highlighted, in addition, the importance of making reliable information available in multiple languages, including indigenous languages. He also highlighted that immediate action must be taken for those most in need., including people with disabilities.
False information and conspiracy theories about COVID-19 and the response to it are virulent and harmful, and have life-threatening consequences for people and communities around the world. False information about the pandemic, amplified online and via social media, build on these theories and reinforce existing prejudices and ignorance, undermining trust in science and exacerbating hate speech.
Last News
This event has a hybrid format and will be broadcast live on Facebook Italy Expo 2020 y YouTube Italy Expo 2020 of 11:00 a 13:00 dubai time (8:00 a 10:00 THIS).
The International Forum of UNESCO Chairs takes place within the framework of the UNESCO Futures of Education initiative and is one of the preparatory events for the 3rd UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education. (WHEC2022) which will take place from 18 to 20 May 2022 in Barcelona, Spain.
The Forum provides a platform for collective interdisciplinary intelligence related to the future of higher education systems, with a focus on skills development in the context of uncertain futures of work, as well as in the digital transformation of our societies and its implications for higher education.
The document has been prepared by researchers at the Oxford Internet Institute, with the support of UNESCO, as a contribution to the United Nations Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Hate Speech and within the framework of the project “#CoronavirusFacts: fight against the “disinfodemic” in the matter of COVID 19 in conflict-prone environments”, financed by the European Union. Read more Here