Institutional Committee

scientific Comittee

Mrs. Mrs. Clara Centeno

ICT for Learning and Inclusion Action Leader (European Union) - IPTS (The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies)

Mr. Mbuyi Kabunda

R.R.I.I professor at the University of Lubumbashi. African Studies Group / Observatory of the African Social Reality.

Mrs. Nicole Stremlau

Co-ordinator of Programme for Comparative Media and Law

Mrs. Itziar Ruiz-Giménez Arrieta

African Studies Group - Universidad Autónoma of Madrid

Mr. Nicholas Cheeseman

Hugh Price Fellow in African Politics. African Studies Centre

Mrs. Bella Mody

School of Journalism and Mass Communication University of Colorado

Mr. Iginio Gagliardone

Programme for Comparative Media and Law

Mr. Jan Servaes

UNESCO Chair in Communication for Sustainable Social Change - University of Massachussetts

Mr. Mr. Antonio Santamaría Pulido

CEA's Director (Centre d´Estudis Africans)